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Top: Business: Investing: Humor:
See also:
- Dotcom Layoffs - Comics by top editorial cartoonists.
- Doubtful Accounts - A complete source of stock market satire. Customized stock market cartoons for financial websites.
- Fun Invest - Financial humor, jokes, cartoons, stories, and quotes.
- iTulip.com - Parodies Internet stock mania and companies that are getting a lot of investor's money for no good reason.
- Nascrap - Makes fun of investing in Nasdaq companies. Humorous news, tools, and hotlist.
- qShirts.com - Cartoons and t-shirts relating to investing and accounting.
- Snake Oil Inc. - Humorous look at investing with jokes, parody, and comics.
- The SSA Investment Newsletter - A very funny parody of investment newsletters written by the world's worst investor.
- Stock Market Cartoons - Investing is tough enough. Stock market cartoons to put a smile on your face. New cartoon every day.
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