As the next earnings reporting period gets into full-swing, investors may be studying the projections for stocks that they own. Tracking the most recent releases may help investors make those crucial buy/sell decisions. Taking a look at some current earnings data, we see that the current quarter EPS consensus estimate for Toronto Dominion Bank (The) (NYSE:TD) is 1.3. This EPS estimate consists of 3 sell-side analysts taken into consideration by Zacks Research. For the last reporting period, the company reported a quarterly EPS of 1.31. Wall Street analysts often provide their best researched estimates for what they think the company will report. For larger companies, there may be a many more analysts contributing to the consensus number. For smaller companies, there may be only one or two analysts providing estimates. Investors will often look at all the companies that beat EPS estimates for a given quarter, especially ones that surpassed expectations by a wide margin.
Traders may be using technical analysis to help spot ideal entry and exit points. One idea behind technical analysis is that historical price movement trends have the ability to repeat themselves. Technical analysis involves the use of chart patterns to examine market movements and to help define trends. Trends in the stock market are not always easy to spot. Many chartists will strive to determine whether the trend is up, down, or sideways. After defining a trend, the technical analyst may look to see what type of timeframe the trend encompasses. Some traders will look to identify whether the trend is major or long-term, short-term, or intermediate. Being able to decipher what the data is saying may assist the trader with finding potential entry and exit points on a particular trade. There are many different indicators that can be employed when undertaking technical analysis. Many traders will do numerous chart studies to find out which indicator or indicators tend to project the most relevant trading assistance. Learning how to spot these trends might help the trader develop specific charting skills that will hopefully lead to future market success.
In the fast paced world of stock market investing, individuals are always looking for information to help provide an edge. Many investors will study sell-side analyst opinions to help assist with navigating the market. Turning the attention to shares of Toronto Dominion Bank (The) (NYSE:TD), we can see that the current average broker rating is now 1.8. This rating is provided by Zacks Research using a scale from 1 to 5. Following this scale, a 1 would indicate a Strong Buy and a 5 would represent a Strong Sell rating. Digging a little deeper, we can see that out of the polled analysts, 4 rated the stock a Strong Buy or Buy. This average broker rating may help investors decide if they feel the same way about the stock as the professionals.
Investors might be trying to gauge which way shares of Toronto Dominion Bank (The) (NYSE:TD) will swing over the next couple of quarters. In recent trading activity, the stock has been seen near the $59.29 level. Many investors pay increased attention to shares when they are nearing notable historical highs or lows. Over the past 52 weeks, the stock has touched a high price of 61.82, and seen a low price of 48.31. Looking at some additional historical stock price information, we note that shares have seen a move 7.06% over the previous 12 weeks. If we pull in closer to look at performance over the past month, we see that shares have seen a change of 5.8%. Over the last 5 trading sessions, the stock has moved 2.03%. Investors will most likely be keeping their eyes peeled to see how the stock performs heading into the next round of earnings reports.
Making smart choices when picking stocks is typically a top priority for successful investors. For new investors with little market knowledge, this can be challenging. Figuring out how to start building the stock portfolio may take a lot of time and effort. When the individual investor decides that they want to manage their own portfolio and make their own trades, the journey has just begun. Many individuals will be tempted to pursue stock trading plans based on advice from friends, colleagues, or family members. Even though certain plans may work for someone else, there is no guarantee that success will transfer to others. Investors often need to do their own research in order to obtain as much knowledge as possible before diving in to the markets.